Posts Tagged ‘Freedom’


My Apologies

September 17, 2009

Dear Signers Of The Declaration of Independence,

In the few years preceding 1776, your ideals and morals lead to the creation of this great Country. You risked it all. Your lives, your families, and your fortunes. You were the men of greatness, whose words still grace our lips, whose speeches have inspired for centuries, and whose valiant bravery of defiance should serve as a model for the ages. You were before your time, you were brilliant, and we are humbled by your legacies. I am sorry it was all for nothing.

You fought against the taxation of the public without a voice representing you. Today, we have one of the highest tax burdens and we have a congress that serves their own interests before our own. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

You fought against a tyrannical King who publicly called you treasonous. You saw a potential for this Country. A Country that was not based on tyranny but yet rejoiced in freedom. Today, we have a government who has seized control of car companies, insurance companies, banks, and now wants free reign of our healthcare. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

Your children were young and ideological. They lied about their ages to be able to fight for their freedoms against the British Army. Today, our children are lost, forgotten, complacent, and spoiled. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

You wanted us to be able to worship freely without fear of persecution. You belived religion was a basis of a good society. You put God in your speeches and documents. Today, a Christian is heckled, called names by our government, and shunned for their beliefs. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

You provided a structure for government. Three branches, check and balaces, so that no one person or entity has complete control. You wanted the control to remain in the hands of the people. Today, we have a plethora of Czars who are an entity of the government but yet not accountable to anyone but the White House. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

You and the Patriots of this Country risked everything for us to become independent of Britain. Centuries later, we have forgotten our roots, forgotten our history, forgotten your sacrifice. We mock you with our arrogance and self absorbed nature. We allow the oppression of others. We do not stand always on the side of freedom. We have let your dream become our nightmare. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

I have made mistakes. I have stood ideally by. I have not spoken for freedom, for you. I have been a part of the problem and not the solution. You deserve better. I did not change my ways. I am sorry.

No more will I do these things, and this is my vow. I will look to you for my inspiration. I will look to you for bravery. I will look to you for a model. You deserve that at the very least. I may have failed but from here on out I will not give up until we succeed. I never again want to say I am sorry. You did not mistake mediocre for greatness. Neither will I.

Sincerely, and truly,



Since When…

August 15, 2009

Since when is this….

worthy of more people advocating to save than this…


Since when is this….

believed in more than this…


Since when is this….

more of a priority than this….


Since when is this….


more popular than this…..


Since when is this vote…….


count the same as these…….



Since when is this death…..

more of a news story than this death….


I am not sure when these things became the truth, and I am not sure why people accept them without question. We are a nation of proud people, who have now let other people tell us how to think, feel, believe, and act. When will we say enough is enough? I, for one, say now. Now….not since when anymore.