Posts Tagged ‘Conservative’


The Price is Right

March 24, 2010


Let’s face it people. This health care bill was NOT about what people believed in or what they wanted for our great Nation. This health care bill, the votes that were FOR this health care bill, were simply about what price it would take for them to abandon their beliefs. All this has told us is their price. Stupak was pro-life. Now, he is nothing more than a sell-out.

Ask me what price it would take for me to support abortion funding. Go ahead ask me.








There is nothing you could do, no amount of money you could throw at me, NOTHING at ALL that you could say that would make me waiver on that. That is called character. If someone can make you change your beliefs for any reason, then you DO NOT and NEVER WILL qualify to lead anyone. You are then JUST ANOTHER FOLLOWER.

There is no difference between putting a price on your vote, than a judge putting a price on his ruling. It is criminal and outrageously UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It ENRAGES me and if it does not enrage you than you need to re-evaluate YOUR belief system as well. I receive a little solace in knowing that these people will one day answer to God for their activities, although the Patriot in me wants them all in JAIL for their crimes. Their crimes do not just make a mockery of their job as Congressmen, but they make a mockery of our entire democracy. This is not about health care anymore. This is about ethics, character, and moral fiber. I would have more respect for a liberal vegetarian who would never eat meat based on their moral beliefs than I ever would for a pro-life conservative who would change their beliefs for a new airport or 30 million in campaign contributions. It’s amazing to me that these people, the socialist progressives who are supposed to hate the corporate elitists, are just that! Hypocritical seems too light of a term.

I just pray the rest of America sees what I see.



Is That Even A Word?

November 6, 2009

I was doomed to be a geek from the start. My parents both taught in the public school system that I attended from Kindergarten to my Freshman year. I inherited a special rare gene that carries very unique DNA. The technical term for this gene is the “WHY CAN THE AVERAGE AMERICAN NOT SPELL OR USE PROPER GRAMMAR?” Gene (patent pending). For those of you blessed enough to not carry this gene, you may have found yourself asking one of your ‘smart friends’ at least once in your life, “Is that even a word?” I, being afflicted with the gene, get asked that question no less than 7 times a week. That is an average of….let’s see….7 times a week x 52 weeks a year x the 25 years I have been alive + the 5 years I have been alive that I lie about = well, several times.

You may be asking yourself, “Self, that is all well and good, but do we think spelling or grammar is a political issue?” If you answered yourself, “Self, no we don’t think it is” then you’re right on the money. It is not a political issue per se. There are bad spellers and people who use improper english who are Republican, Democrat, Independent, Conservative, Moderate and most definitely Liberal. It could almost be considered one of the only things that don’t add to our parties intrinsic differences. I will give you an example of a word both left and right wing individuals have a problem with.


A: No. It is two separate words. A LOT. ALOT is not a word just because people enunciate A and LOT far too quickly and without pause when used as phrase. If every phrase that people mispronounce fast became official English words, then we would be required to make “Forreals”, “Nunya”, “Atcha”, and “Chu” words as well.

Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike all use “alot” in sentences. I see it everyday. It is actually a pet peeve.

This got me me thinking…I know Liberals and Conservatives both have sort of a “special” language. I know there are some Liberal words that I didn’t know were actual words as conversely Conservatives do with Liberals. So again, in the spirit of veracity, I will give you a list of Conservative words so that, if you are ever caught in a situation where you are having a dialogue with one of us, you will know precisely what we are talking about.

TROLL: Some might remember TROLLS as ugly, hideous, destitute creatures who make their abodes under various bridges. This original definition of the word is almost exactly the same as the Conservative definition of an ignorant liberal. So to save time, we have interchanged the two. Ignorant liberal = TROLL.
USED IN A SENTENCE: Nancy Pelosi is such a troll and the botox doesn’t help the situation.

OBAMANATION: Many are unaware that this word also appears in the bible. Many words are spelled differently in different areas of the world. Britain spells the word color as colour. Some spell it gray and others spell the word grey. Apparently, in the King James era it was spelled abomination where as today it is spelled OBAMANATION. Just like color / colour and gray / grey the meaning does not change with just because it is spelled different just like abomination / OBAMANATION. In the dictionary, abomination is defined as: abhorrence; disgust or a cause of abhorrence or disgust. OBAMANATION is defined as the same, in correlation with the time period and administration headed by Obama.
USED IN A SENTENCE: In my prayers today, I asked God to forgive this Obamanation for they know not what they do.

DITTOHEAD: Liberals use this word as an insult, but Conservatives use it as a compliment describing an individual who agrees with everything Rush Limbaugh says. I earned this title early in my life when I first wore my “Rush Limbaugh For President” sweatshirt to school in the 8th Grade. Not everyone is a prolific as myself in their Conservatism and may have earned the title later in life. There is no age limit on becoming a DITTOHEAD. I firmly believe that when I become pregnant, if I use those headphones that go on top of a pregnant belly to broadcast sound into the womb, my child will be born as a DITTOHEAD.
USED IN A SENTENCE: After listening to the EIB network for years, I have become an official Dittohead.

OLBYHATE: I actually just learned this Conservative word. It refers to the hate inflicted by Keith Olbermann on his show on MSNBC “Countdown with Keith Olbermann”. Since he as proven habitually that he cannot do a show without calling Conservatives names, many with with juvenile humor undertones, OLBYHATE is used to characterize this behavior. Just because the word is commonly used to describe Keith Olbermann specifically, it is not limited to him as an individual. Other Liberals who use this same type of decorum may also be identified as using OLBYHATE.
USED IN SENTENCE: It seems that being on the same channel as Olbermann has influence Rachel Maddow to use the same kind of Olbyhate.

KOOL-AIDER: Kool-Aid is traditionally used as a child’s beverage. It is a powered drink mix that when mixed with water and sugar is moderately refreshing. Kool-Aid in and of itself is not innately evil, but thanks to Jim Jones and his cult members of The Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guyana there is a evil connotation associated with it. In 1978, Jones forced his 900 cult followers to drink grape Kool-Aid laced with cyanide which resulted in 900 dead including Jones himself. After that, the term “drinking the Kool-Aid” referred to following someone blindly even if it leads to horrific deeds and actions. Today, Conservatives have coined the term KOOL-AIDER as a person, or media outlet, that does not question the mountain of discrepancies this administration feeds us day after day. Someone who blindly follows Obama, even when the result is trillions of dollars in national debt and the destruction of personal liberties.
USED IN A SENTENCE: Oprah is a Kool-Aider who is going to let Obama squander her millions to support his causes.

Now, obviously, this short list is not the Conservative dictionary in its entirety. We have many more words we use. But, as I stated before, I wanted to give Liberals a glimpse into our special language. That way maybe, just maybe, if you have Liberal who asks time and time again, “Is that even a word?” you can forward them to this page to let them know that although it might not be a word used by the entire English speaking community, it is a word that is used by the Conservative speaking community. Any other words that Conservatives believe should be added to this list, please do not hesitate to leave them in the comment section below. Oh and Liberals, you’re welcome. It was my pleasure.


My Apologies

September 17, 2009

Dear Signers Of The Declaration of Independence,

In the few years preceding 1776, your ideals and morals lead to the creation of this great Country. You risked it all. Your lives, your families, and your fortunes. You were the men of greatness, whose words still grace our lips, whose speeches have inspired for centuries, and whose valiant bravery of defiance should serve as a model for the ages. You were before your time, you were brilliant, and we are humbled by your legacies. I am sorry it was all for nothing.

You fought against the taxation of the public without a voice representing you. Today, we have one of the highest tax burdens and we have a congress that serves their own interests before our own. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

You fought against a tyrannical King who publicly called you treasonous. You saw a potential for this Country. A Country that was not based on tyranny but yet rejoiced in freedom. Today, we have a government who has seized control of car companies, insurance companies, banks, and now wants free reign of our healthcare. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

Your children were young and ideological. They lied about their ages to be able to fight for their freedoms against the British Army. Today, our children are lost, forgotten, complacent, and spoiled. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

You wanted us to be able to worship freely without fear of persecution. You belived religion was a basis of a good society. You put God in your speeches and documents. Today, a Christian is heckled, called names by our government, and shunned for their beliefs. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

You provided a structure for government. Three branches, check and balaces, so that no one person or entity has complete control. You wanted the control to remain in the hands of the people. Today, we have a plethora of Czars who are an entity of the government but yet not accountable to anyone but the White House. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

You and the Patriots of this Country risked everything for us to become independent of Britain. Centuries later, we have forgotten our roots, forgotten our history, forgotten your sacrifice. We mock you with our arrogance and self absorbed nature. We allow the oppression of others. We do not stand always on the side of freedom. We have let your dream become our nightmare. I did not stop it from happening. I am sorry.

I have made mistakes. I have stood ideally by. I have not spoken for freedom, for you. I have been a part of the problem and not the solution. You deserve better. I did not change my ways. I am sorry.

No more will I do these things, and this is my vow. I will look to you for my inspiration. I will look to you for bravery. I will look to you for a model. You deserve that at the very least. I may have failed but from here on out I will not give up until we succeed. I never again want to say I am sorry. You did not mistake mediocre for greatness. Neither will I.

Sincerely, and truly,



Buckeyes and Ted Kennedy

August 31, 2009

There are two things in which I consider myself well versed in. Purses and THE Ohio State Buckeyes. I know that some of you may be thinking that politics should be on that list but I am not expert on politics. You may be thinking, “thats all good and well Jen, but what can handbags or football have anything to do with Teddy Kennedy’s passing?” Well, I will explain.

Sometimes in order to make my feelings known it is much easier to relate it to something I know better than anything. For this example I will be using the Buckeyes. Back in the day, we had a coach at Ohio State. His name was *bows head in reverence* Woody Hayes. He is now considered one of the greatest coaches we have ever had. His overall record at OSU was 205-61-10 which is a little over a 76%. Absolutely amazing. He was a Buckeye through and through, and whenever anyone says that what they really mean is that they love the Buckeyes and HATE anything related to Michigan. The Ohio State-Michigan rivalry is not only the OLDEST rivalry in college ball it is also the most INTENSE. Woody Hayes embodies that to a T. In fact he rarely spoke of Michigan by name just as “that state up north” or “the team up north”. Michigan’s coach at the time of Woody’s reign was another famous coach Bo Schembechler. As much as Woody hated Michigan, Bo hated Ohio. They embraced the war with no-holds barred and often took things way too personal. It was NOT just another game on the schedule for them it was THE ONLY GAME that mattered all year. If either one of them had lost every game but the rivalry game…then the season was considered a victory. Woody died in 1987 at the age of 74, but will remain always as the greatest and most memorable coach in the Buckeyes history.

Fast forward to modern day. Our current coach is Jim Tressel is fast becoming one that equals Woody in record and ability to beat Michigan which in Ohio is really the only thing that matters. His main rival’s coach was Lloyd Carr and until last year they had met 7 times and only once had Carr beat Tressel in 2004.

In 2006, the Game of the Year became the Game of the CENTURY. Very few times in college football history have any teams ranked #1 and #2 in the polls met in regular season play. In 2006 this happened twice. First Ohio State vs. Texas…and then in November it just happened to be #1 Ohio State vs. #2 Michigan. Never before had our teams been ranked as such and the forecast was bleak for the Wolverines. Michigan knew that Tressel was prepared and they needed something to rally them. Something to motivate them. Something to try and forget what the experts were saying and beat the Buckeyes. And they got what they asked for.

On the eve of the biggest matchup of the year, mere hours before the game on the Friday before, the infamous Bo Schembechler died of a massive heart attack. Suddenly, the Wolverines were renewed! They were PUMPED! They had a mission and a goal. To win this game, the game that every Ohioan and Michigander waits for all year, for their beloved former coach. They were determined. They had the whole world watching as they entered that stadium with conviction to make Bo proud as he watched above from the clouds. To be completely honest, I was scared. I figured this rallying cry would work and that Michigan has just that oomph they needed to win. My father even said…”Just like Schembechler to die on the eve of the greatest matchup in our rivalry’s history. That’s just like a Michigander. What a dirty trick.” (If this statement seems insensitive or callous to you…you have never lived in Michigan or Ohio)

Well, when all was said and done, Michigan did not make Bo proud and lost to the Buckeyes that year 42-39. They tried hard, but let’s face it…it was still the same old Michigan team. Football games are not won by mere touchy-feely inspiration, but by actually playing football. You still have to score the points, you still have to break through the opposition, and you still have to face the fact that if you don’t stack up to the other side, you are going to lose no matter who wished for you to win on their deathbed.

By now you may understand the point. The healthcare bill is hanging on by a thread. Even the Democrats are starting to look out for #1 and what they need to do to get re-elected. They understand no bill that is currently proposed will be welcomed with open arms by the voters and that maybe now is not the time for reform as they have stated time and time again that it is. They needed something to rally behind. They needed inspiration. They needed a feel good dying wish mushy touchy feely reason for the citizens of America to stand behind. They needed a icon to stand behind. And they got it with the death of Ted Kennedy. Now they can say, do it for Teddy. Make his last wish come true. Don’t make his death be in vain. Don’t let the last thing Ted ever supported die a death like he did.

Well, like the Michigan Wolverine team of 2006, they can call their rallying cry, they can use his death as propoganda for the passing of this bill, and they can look up to the skies and say “This one’s for you TK”. But also like the 2006 Wolverines, its going to actually take a plan that is going to work to withstand us, the people who see past all the smoke and mirrors and see the truth. A bill that at its core, is just not capable of making a touchdown and winning the game of reform. Sorry Liberals, no matter what you name the bill, no matter how many different versions you put forth, and how many pages of incomprehensible nonsense you add, when push comes to shove….its not going to withstand our defensive line. But, I do give you credit for trying.

Ted Kennedy as a Michigan Wolverine


Since When…

August 15, 2009

Since when is this….

worthy of more people advocating to save than this…


Since when is this….

believed in more than this…


Since when is this….

more of a priority than this….


Since when is this….


more popular than this…..


Since when is this vote…….


count the same as these…….



Since when is this death…..

more of a news story than this death….


I am not sure when these things became the truth, and I am not sure why people accept them without question. We are a nation of proud people, who have now let other people tell us how to think, feel, believe, and act. When will we say enough is enough? I, for one, say now. Now….not since when anymore.


The Insanity Factor

August 5, 2009

I asked my best friend to give me five words that describe me best. She lovingly said “beautiful, smart, giggly, good friend, and patient.” I agree mostly, minus the beautiful part. She is biased. But, for the most part, I am carefree, patient, and try to be a good person. Its hard being a Navy wife and alone alllllllllllllllllll the time. It is even harder being completely alone when all your friends have moved and the base you live on is being shut down.

I keep myself busy. Fox News, twitter, blogging, talking and texting with my friends and family far away. Its stressful though. To say the very least. But, I am proud of his job, proud to be American and proud to be a voice for good, so I normally wear my sacrifices like a badge of honor. That is…..until last week.

So, like I said, stress level is normally at a ten. Then, enter in my passion for political events. I hear about new taxes everyday….and it makes me angry. I hear people believing nationalized healthcare will save lives and it makes me angry. I get mad when I hear people say I am a list of names and traits of things I am not. I get frustrated at the apathy being spread like a rampant disease among my peers. I get irate when I see our leader blantantly lie on television to millions of people and some of them are gulliable enough to buy it. I see people attacking the good, moral, fair, and or Christian people of our nation and feel justified in doing so. The corruption and dirty dealing of our elected officials infuriates me. I have people say mean, hateful, and ignorant things to me all the time and it saddens me. I feel hopeless, helpless, and powerless to change the things I see wrong with the way our country is being handled. Whether you agree with me or not, you can understand its a lot for a girl to take.

Last week, I went to a walmart gas station by my house. I was pumping gas and looked at a paper sign they had taped to the pump. It stated that due to “the manufacturers” cigarette prices were being raised 25¢ across the board. Well, I know the Obama administration was planning a new tax on cigarettes and whether or not this was related to that was inconsequential to me. I snapped. I am not talking about getting a bit upset. I lost my mind. I literally went insane. I grabbed my Prada, whipped out a Sharpie and started to mark out “manufacturers” on the sign and replaced it with “thanks to Barack Obama”. There were signs on every pump, so after I was done correcting mine, I started on the others. The gas station attendee noticed what I was doing and headed over to tell me to stop. Well, I did not intend to stop. She told me I was “defacing property” I explained I was defacing a piece of freaking paper. I am normally very non-confrontational but not that day. I was up in her face telling her that just because the Walton family was in bed with the Obama administration and their national health scare plan, that didn’t mean I deserved to be lied to while pumping my gas. She then informed me if I didn’t leave she would call the police to which I replied “GOOD!” I finished pumping my gas, got in my car, and started driving with no apparent destination. I started thinking…”what is WRONG with me? Who was that girl I just became? What was I thinking?” I had gone temporarily insane….and it had scared me.

That’s when I realized I needed a break. I needed to stop watching the news for a while, regroup, rejuvinate, and relax. I decided to get away for awhile and I have done just that.

Moral of the story: its easy to lose who you are these days. It is easy to forget what is important in life when everything seems like it is being destroyed right in front of our faces. If we let it get to us, we lose ourselves, and they win. They want us to give up the fight, they want us to let their lies and hate destroy us. Sometimes, in order to keep ourselves sane, we need to take a step back and remember if we let it, the deceit will get us down and make us exactly what they want us to be. Broken. So, don’t let them win, and remember to take time for yourself. We have a long four years ahead of us. Don’t do what I did. Stay strong and remember, we are stronger, smarter and more faithful than ever. That is our most powerful weapon.


Top 10 Liberal Accusations

July 31, 2009

I hear this list of Liberal baiting questions. You know…the questions they ask in hopes of finding some contradiction or hypocrisy in how I respond. But they keep asking the same things numerous times. Maybe if I answer them here, then I could stop saying the same things over and over and over again. I doubt so, but here they are anyways.

10. Why do you want everyone to think like you?
This one is a classic. Most liberals think that we want everyone to convert to Conservatism. We don’t. I get some of my most insightful and intelligent beliefs based on the challenges of others. But I think its hilarious that they ask me that…in hopes of changing my mind? Maybe its hard for people to see the irony, but I see it and laugh at it.

9. How can you like Sarah Palin when she is a quitter who has bad parenting skills?
OH HOW THE LIBERALS HATE SARAH PALIN. Almost everyday someone asks me this….or says it in a statement to me…you get the drift. Well, Sarah Palin represents every thing this government needs. Someone who believes in God, the military, pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-capitalism. Also, when I was a rebellious teenager, I did drugs and had sex. This was not my PARENT’S fault that I did these things. I knew they were wrong. But I CHOSE to do them, just like Bristol Palin did.

8. You think McCain would have done better?
I am not a big John McCain fan. He fathered my mortal enemy Meghan. Do I think he would have done better? Yes. Do I think he would do the best? No. But stop asking me. He didn’t win. I got over it. Can you now get over it please?

7. How can you not want insurance for sick children when you are a Christian?
(I love how whenever a liberal is trying to make a point…they always use the kid angle) I personally don’t see the connection between insurance and religion, but I will humor you. My answer to this is simple. First, if you can’t afford to care for your child, you shouldn’t have had one. Second, I DO want sick kids to get better, which is WHY I want health care privatized. Duh.

6. Why do you blame Obama for Bush/Cheney ruining our economy?
Lets pretend America is the husband and our President is the wife. America marries the President, and after an eight year marriage they get a divorce. The wife cost the husband billions of dollars in debt. The husband then meets a new wife. He still has the debt from his previous marriage. The new wife is a shopaholic, she spends money like it is water, maxes out all of the credit cars, takes out loans from anyone she can. She spends so much that in just a few months of marriage she has TRIPLED the amount of debt he already had. Now. who is responsible for tripling the debt? Not wife #1….she’s already gone, and is only responsible for the debt of the past. Wife #2 it was alllllllllllll you. You can blame Bush for the economy, but I blame Obama for making it catastrophically outrageous.

5. Why don’t you support abortions for the mothers whose life is endangered or have been raped?”
First, only ONE PERCENT (1%) of abortions are for these circumstances. That means for every 99 babies killed for no reason, 1 is killed for the reasons listed. To understand why I don’t support it…remember that I believe abortion is murder. Lets say the kid is born. Mom gets raped. Should she be able to shoot her kid in the face because she went through a traumatic disaster? No. Mom gets cancer. Her life is in danger and she is going to die. Can she THEN shoot her kid in the face? No. That’s my answer.

4. You should respect whoever is in the White House, because he is President. Why don’t you?
I can answer this in 3 little words. Respect is EARNED. When he does something that is worthy of my respect, you’ll be the first to know.

3. Why can you not compromise?
We have. For years now, we have accepted your ridiculous claims, lies, deceit, and propaganda. Why can’t I compromise? Because of liberals. We have compromised for WAY TOO LONG…but your idea of compromise is us doing what they want. We’re tired of it. I, for one, say it is your turn to compromise.

2. Why do you say Obama is without morals, when conservatives keep getting caught cheating? Why not call them out?
First of all, I don’t believe who you have sex with has anything to do with politics. But I will answer. I think infidelity is a MALE PROBLEM. I have had boyfriends who cheated who probably couldn’t tell you what a Uighur is. But apparently cheating is political? I do feel sorry for any family who has to go through the hurt that their husband and father created. I hope they ask for forgiveness. When the news story hit, I said the same thing I always do. GUYS NEED TO LEARN TO KEEP IT IN THEIR PANTS.

1.MY PERSONAL FAVORITE: “I try to get all sides of the picture, and the one painted by the right is that of fear & hate, never one of compromise & unity.” ~My favorite *free-thinker* and yours @darrwin
Elle. Oh. Elle. or LOL for some of you. Oh dear! I can totally see how that makes you open minded. No bias there. (if your computer just got wet, that was my dripping sarcasm)

Well there you have it folks. Gotta love the fact that Liberals constantly give me things to laugh at and blog about. Let me know in a comment if you have any good Liberal accusations and questions below.

Oh, and don’t forget, I am a racist, uneducated, ignorant, bible thumping, hate filled, brainwashed, manipulative, uncharitable, biased, intolerant, hypocrite. Or so I’ve been told.


Role Model of Disgrace

July 26, 2009

I don’t have kids but if I did…there are things that I would make sure they knew from a early age. I also expect, no rather demand, that people who are in the spotlight as a role model for children set an example for what is good, right, moral and just. Here are some of the qualities I wish to instill in my children, and of the children who are loved by me.

1. Always speak up for right. Back your friends when they’re right. Never let anyone make you feel like being a good person is a bad thing.

2. You are not entitled to anything but life, the freedom to follow God, and to reap the benefits of your labor. If you feel like someone owes you something, it should be based on your merits alone…not anything else.

3. Be a gracious and generous person. Do it for the reward of enriching people’s lives. If someone tells you that you have to be charitable, then it is not charity at all but yet a command you follow.

4. If something happens, you are scared, and cannot reach your parents, find a police officer. Most all police officers are awesome at protecting people.

Just to name a few.

Now let’s review what President Obama is teaching the youth of America.

1. Do not make waves. If someone is doing something that’s not right, remember it is their problem not yours.

2. Based on your skin color, social economic background, religious affiliation, and sexual orientation you are entitled to more than people who, as the majority, receive more than yourself. Merit is inconsequential.

3. You must help other people even if you feel they don’t deserve it. Do not give for the joy of giving, but for the fact you must.

4. Police Officers are stupid, or act stupidly. If a cop sees a person breaking into a house…they are required to do nothing…in fear of making someone angry.

#4 on both lists of course refer to the Gates controversy. I think its is UNIMAGINABLE that the leader of the free world would side against police officers, but not the government of Iran! How horrible. He just told the entire nation, including our children, that police officers are racist, judgmental, and liars. Role Model? Yes role model of disgrace.

By saying the police acted “stupidly” he is perpetrating a stereotype that undermines the authority of our police force. What is that telling our children? Better yet, by insinuating the police were racist….he is discouraging equality. I believe if people stopped thinking about race so much the world would be a better place. If you were locked out of your house and tried to break into it…wouldn’t you feel blessed that the police had the best interests of your home at heart? Imagine it was a burglar. Gates would be ecstatic the police responded so quickly and apprehended the suspect.

I feel sorry for the youth of America. Their President is a horrible role model. Their Congress is full of moron crooks. Who can they believe in? Without God and parental guidance our children are susceptible to feeling lost, unloved, and weary of truthfulness and honesty.

Next time Mr. President…remember…with childlike faith our young believe in you. I will pray you find the strength to better yourself into a role model for excellence….and not the opposite.


The Alaskan Blob

July 17, 2009

    If you have not heard yet…there is a “blob” in the Arctic Ocean in Lake Chukchi. Its HUGE, black, it moves, and has “hair-like” strands. It smells of rotting fruit, and jellyfish and birds have even been caught up in its sticky ooze. Scientists have been trying to determine exactly what it is…but say it is definitely biological organism.

    Here’s how I think the two political sides will play this.

    Liberal:  You obviously have seen the Alaskan Blob right?

    Conservative:  Yes, I have.

    Liberal:  Well, are you going to admit global warming exists?  How else could that thing have been made?

    Conservative: No, its definitely not the proof I need for global warming to exist.

    Liberal: YOU ARE SO BLIND! Obviously the ocean is gelatinous and becoming one huge blob!

    Conservative:  I don’t think its gelatin.

    Liberal:  Then, Ms. I-Am-Always-Right…what is it?

    Conservative:  I have a good idea what it is.

    Liberal:  Then enlighten me…please.

    Conservative:  David Letterman, John Kerry, and Al Gore spew all kinds of crap directed at Sarah Palin and Alaska. Guess all that crap finally grouped together into one big blob of liberal excrement.

    Liberal:  I don’t understand.

    Conservative:  Basically, its Alaska’s way of saying

    Liberals love giving us shit, so we thought we’d give you some of it back.

    Liberal: Whatever, liberals still hate Sarah Palin.

    Conservative: I know, and that alone, makes me smile everyday.

    At least….that’s what I would say.



    July 10, 2009

    This is something that has been on my mind…and so…of course…I feel the need to blog about it.

    The far right, which I am proud to call myself a part of, need to be very careful of something that some of us are doing.  Sensationalism.  I have seen many tweets, blogs, and comments claiming certain things that are just not fair, right or good. When we sensationalize the events that are going on right now…we take our credibility and minimize it to just claims of unsubstantiated craziness.  We are all angry and outraged at the direction our country is headed in.  We are scared, shocked and feeling helpless at the sheer rate of changes being implemented daily.  But when we say things that are sensationalized then we take our outrage and make it something that the left cannot understand.

    I in no way think we should bend our beliefs to appease the left.  But if we construct our arguments in an educated and fair way…they have so much more of an impact.  Do we need to vent?  Sure!  Do we need to get our frustrations out?  Of course!  Do we need to call our Country’s President the Anti-Christ?  No.

    Let me show your examples of things we do not need to say.

    Ali Bama is a Muslim Marxist.  Soon stoning women will be legal and they’ll be taxed if they scream.

    Charles Manson Joins Team Obama to head up door-2-door census Will work with ACORN Criminals.

    The easy part is getting Obama to Africa. The hard part is figuring out how to keep him there where he belongs.

    Obama speaks in Eqypt.  Wonder if he invited his real father, although Satans schedule is quite busy.

    Obama’s father didn’t abandon him, we killed him in WWII, just amazing Ava Braun and Hitler gave birth to a black man.

    Are we sure Obama doesn’t agree with gay marriage? Oh, that’s a woman he’s married to?  Hard to tell.

    Obama believes in partial birth abortion because he wished the option was available for the kids he has but doesn’t want.

    Wow people, some of those are so mean, unfair, and just not right.  I believe Obama is ruining our country.  I think he doesn’t love America the way I do.  I think we are headed towards socialism and away from capitalism.  But saying we are going to stone women soon, he is hiring serial killers, attacking his wife and children…makes us just as bad as the people who did it to Sarah Palin.  Just not right.  Yes, speak your frustrations, get outraged, get angry….but don’t make claims that make us look like crazy people.

    This is just my personal opinion….probably an unpopular one.