Posts Tagged ‘God’


Top 10 Liberal Accusations

July 31, 2009

I hear this list of Liberal baiting questions. You know…the questions they ask in hopes of finding some contradiction or hypocrisy in how I respond. But they keep asking the same things numerous times. Maybe if I answer them here, then I could stop saying the same things over and over and over again. I doubt so, but here they are anyways.

10. Why do you want everyone to think like you?
This one is a classic. Most liberals think that we want everyone to convert to Conservatism. We don’t. I get some of my most insightful and intelligent beliefs based on the challenges of others. But I think its hilarious that they ask me that…in hopes of changing my mind? Maybe its hard for people to see the irony, but I see it and laugh at it.

9. How can you like Sarah Palin when she is a quitter who has bad parenting skills?
OH HOW THE LIBERALS HATE SARAH PALIN. Almost everyday someone asks me this….or says it in a statement to me…you get the drift. Well, Sarah Palin represents every thing this government needs. Someone who believes in God, the military, pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-capitalism. Also, when I was a rebellious teenager, I did drugs and had sex. This was not my PARENT’S fault that I did these things. I knew they were wrong. But I CHOSE to do them, just like Bristol Palin did.

8. You think McCain would have done better?
I am not a big John McCain fan. He fathered my mortal enemy Meghan. Do I think he would have done better? Yes. Do I think he would do the best? No. But stop asking me. He didn’t win. I got over it. Can you now get over it please?

7. How can you not want insurance for sick children when you are a Christian?
(I love how whenever a liberal is trying to make a point…they always use the kid angle) I personally don’t see the connection between insurance and religion, but I will humor you. My answer to this is simple. First, if you can’t afford to care for your child, you shouldn’t have had one. Second, I DO want sick kids to get better, which is WHY I want health care privatized. Duh.

6. Why do you blame Obama for Bush/Cheney ruining our economy?
Lets pretend America is the husband and our President is the wife. America marries the President, and after an eight year marriage they get a divorce. The wife cost the husband billions of dollars in debt. The husband then meets a new wife. He still has the debt from his previous marriage. The new wife is a shopaholic, she spends money like it is water, maxes out all of the credit cars, takes out loans from anyone she can. She spends so much that in just a few months of marriage she has TRIPLED the amount of debt he already had. Now. who is responsible for tripling the debt? Not wife #1….she’s already gone, and is only responsible for the debt of the past. Wife #2 it was alllllllllllll you. You can blame Bush for the economy, but I blame Obama for making it catastrophically outrageous.

5. Why don’t you support abortions for the mothers whose life is endangered or have been raped?”
First, only ONE PERCENT (1%) of abortions are for these circumstances. That means for every 99 babies killed for no reason, 1 is killed for the reasons listed. To understand why I don’t support it…remember that I believe abortion is murder. Lets say the kid is born. Mom gets raped. Should she be able to shoot her kid in the face because she went through a traumatic disaster? No. Mom gets cancer. Her life is in danger and she is going to die. Can she THEN shoot her kid in the face? No. That’s my answer.

4. You should respect whoever is in the White House, because he is President. Why don’t you?
I can answer this in 3 little words. Respect is EARNED. When he does something that is worthy of my respect, you’ll be the first to know.

3. Why can you not compromise?
We have. For years now, we have accepted your ridiculous claims, lies, deceit, and propaganda. Why can’t I compromise? Because of liberals. We have compromised for WAY TOO LONG…but your idea of compromise is us doing what they want. We’re tired of it. I, for one, say it is your turn to compromise.

2. Why do you say Obama is without morals, when conservatives keep getting caught cheating? Why not call them out?
First of all, I don’t believe who you have sex with has anything to do with politics. But I will answer. I think infidelity is a MALE PROBLEM. I have had boyfriends who cheated who probably couldn’t tell you what a Uighur is. But apparently cheating is political? I do feel sorry for any family who has to go through the hurt that their husband and father created. I hope they ask for forgiveness. When the news story hit, I said the same thing I always do. GUYS NEED TO LEARN TO KEEP IT IN THEIR PANTS.

1.MY PERSONAL FAVORITE: “I try to get all sides of the picture, and the one painted by the right is that of fear & hate, never one of compromise & unity.” ~My favorite *free-thinker* and yours @darrwin
Elle. Oh. Elle. or LOL for some of you. Oh dear! I can totally see how that makes you open minded. No bias there. (if your computer just got wet, that was my dripping sarcasm)

Well there you have it folks. Gotta love the fact that Liberals constantly give me things to laugh at and blog about. Let me know in a comment if you have any good Liberal accusations and questions below.

Oh, and don’t forget, I am a racist, uneducated, ignorant, bible thumping, hate filled, brainwashed, manipulative, uncharitable, biased, intolerant, hypocrite. Or so I’ve been told.


Shiny, Happy People

July 27, 2009

This post is inspired by a conversation between @darrwin and I on twitter

For those of you who think my opinion is unfair, unmoral, or negative….here is a list of things that you should know.

1. I am 30 years old. My opinion has never been popular in nature. Saying what is right, and speaking up for such, is never easy. I will never cease to speak my mind, and if that bothers you…that is your problem.

2. I disagree with the President on almost every issue. If you agree with him…I applaud your right to speak up for him. But if you get to agree, I get to disagree.

3. Stop saying I want people to “think and act just like I do”. Unless you are on speed dial in my phone, you don’t know anything of what I have been through in life. When you know me….then you can talk. I have never wanted people to be like me, or think like me, without their own beliefs. If you believe I am trying to coerce people into believing what I do, and then you argue I am wrong and tell me how I should be different…who is coercing? Me saying whats on my mind in a blog or you reading such blog and telling me I need to change my ways? You are the manipulator. Not I.

4. I hate no one. Hate is one of the strongest emotions, like love. I hold them in the same regard. You have to deeply know someone inside and out to know that you love them. Same goes with hate.

5. I am no victim. A victim is : one that is acted on and usually adversely affected by a force or agent (I do not let others opinions affect me): as a one that is injured, destroyed, or sacrificed under any of various conditions (The words of people who dislike me will never destroy me. Adversity creates strength…not despair) one that is subjected to oppression, hardship, or mistreatment (people who feel oppressed or mistreated think the world owes them something. I decide my own fate with the help of God.) or one that is tricked or duped (My beliefs are based on deep reasearch and soul searching. If I was not firm in those beliefs it might be easy to trick me…but I am not.)

6. The fate of my country IS PERSONAL! I hate, hate, hate, HATE it when people say…its just politics its nothing personal. BULL! I take the killing of babies personally. I take the policies regarding the military personally. I take Obama saying this nation is not a Christian nation personally. When issues are close to my heart, it affects me personally. Your words do not carry the weight to hurt me, but do not deny they are directed at me.

7. The only person whose judgment matters to me is God.

I refuse to act oblivious and put on a smile to promote a false sense of contentment in a country I believe is being slowly destroyed. Shiny happy people are everywhere as the song says, and if they are mindlessly believing our country is peachy keen…then it is my responsibility to speak for what is good and moral.

If I didn’t stand for something, I would fall for anything, and your words are attempting to make me trip and fall. I believe I just used over 500 words to say what I could have said in 13.

You accidentally mistook me for someone who cares what you think of me.


Red, White and Blue Memories

July 3, 2009


I’ve always loved the 4th of July, no big shocker there. I am sure you could all probably guess that outspoken Conservative Girl Jen likes waving around a flag and singing about the “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”. I wish there were more moments during the year when we all collectively remember how proud we are to be American. I also think it is sad that the only time I remember it happening for more than just this one day a year, was after September 11, 2001. I think we should be more patriotic year round.

But, there are moments in all our lives , where at random intervals, I have felt a surge of patriotism. Here are some of my favorites. I am not going to number them, because they are each special in their own way. Enjoy.

  • When we were stationed in San Diego, CA the ship that my husband was attached to went out for a six-month deployment.  He was, at the time, stationed with a Diver Unit and didn’t go on the deployment.  All of my friends, however, were either stationed on the ship or their husbands were.  It was the first time I experienced watching the boys leave.  I was there purely to be an emotional support for my girls.  The ship was on one of the piers on 32nd Street Base.  It was a fairly large ship, the USS Ogden, an amphib.  It had the capacity to hold 450 Sailors and 900 Marines. All the family members of those boys were standing on the pier…and it was saddening.  Little girls were crying as their Dads waved goodbye while walking onto the ship.  I thought that they would muster everyone, make sure they were there, and then leave, no fanfare.  I was mistaken.  After they accounted everyone was on board, all of the Sailors lined up at attention along the entire flight deck of the ship.  They were standing maybe 1 foot away from each other.  Right after they reeled in the mooring lines, they snapped to salute.  All the family members on the pier were sobbing, even I was and I didn’t have a severely personal reason to do so. As they got ready to pull away from the pier…they turned on the loudspeaker system.  They started BLARING Lee Greenwood’s God Bless The USA.  There they were, 450 Sailors, standing in perfect staunchness, saluting the salute that is unique to the only Country to never lose a war.  In barely coherent sobs every single person there sang along,  “I am proud to be an American, where at least I know I am free. And I won’t forget the men who died who gave that right to me. And I would gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today ’cause there ain’t no doubt I LOVE THIS LAND…GOD BLESS THE USA!” Even though I had heard the song a thousand times, those words had never rang more true that they did right then.
  • When I was 21, I moved to Jacksonville, Florida.and stayed with my Aunt Pat, Uncle David and three cousins.  My uncle was a tough guy, and a rebel.  I know he loved me like one of his own kids. We were alike in so many ways, the other kids resented me a bit for the friendship we had. My Aunt and him have one child that is biologically both of theirs, my youngest cousin Ben.  My uncle had served in Vietnam but also had struggled with sobriety for many years.  One day, suddenly Uncle David died, from a drug induced cardiac arrest.  It broke all of our hearts.  He was buried in a Veterans’ cemetery near the Orlando Area.  The funeral was so sad, and my little cousin Ben was inconsolable.  The VFW had carried out the military tradition of the three volleys (often mistaken for a 21 gun salute).  That tradition always  envokes a certain amount of shock, reverence, and bittersweet pride. After the shots were fired and the funeral ended, Ben ran over to where the Honor Guard stood, got down on his knees and was apparently searching for something.  I asked what he was doing.  He said with anger and frustration,  that he was searching for the shell casings of the rounds that were fired.  He could not find one.  For some reason in his young mind, those casings represented everything his Dad loved.  One of the Honor guard walked over and got down on his hands and knees besides Ben, who looked at him and started crying.  The honor guard saw the last casing in the bushes and while handing it to Ben, hugged him while Ben cried onto his chest.  He then looked at Ben and said, “Don’t be sad little man.  Your Dad died a hero.  He protected all Americans by fighting in the war.  Now, everyday he’ll be protecting you as your Guardian Angel.” I was so touched at his compassion for the son of a fellow Marine.  That right there was a personification of the words Semper Fi.
  • I have a friend Amy who has a little boy, Tristin.  When Tristin was just 2, Amy’s brother was one of the first Marines to go to Iraq for the shock and awe campaign.  Since Tristin was so young, Amy wanted to make sure he didn’t forget his uncle.  So Amy had a huge picture of him, in his Marine Dress Blues with a flag behind him, hanging in the house and would hold Tristin up to the picture and say “Tell Uncle Scott you love today and thanks for protecting us!”  Since he was 2, Tristin didn’t talk too well or too much, but always gave his uncle’s picture a kiss.  One day, the three of us went to the mall. Amy was driving and I was sitting in the backseat with Tristin.  He lightly tapped my arm, pointed out a HUGE American Flag flying over a car dealership and said, “Unc-ie Scott ‘tecting me!”  Through the eyes of a child, I realized he saw that flag as a symbol but I had never even noticed it was there.  It was a humbling reminder.
  • This one is just funny. I have quite a few nieces and nephews from my husbands family.  One of the boys, Michael John, is just absolutely adorable and never fails to say things that are just HILARIOUS.  He is one of those kids that you love asking questions to because he always says the funniest cutest things EVER.  One day, I was playing with him and his sister Addy outside during the summer when the Floridian weather was gorgeous.  Living in Florida though, was murder on my allergies.  I was constantly sneezing and having watery eyes.  Michael John and his sister usually have good manners (usually being the key word), calling people sir or ma’am, please, sorry, thank you….etc.  Well, I was having another bad allergy day and suddenly starting sneezing up a storm.  Michael John came over, put his hand on my arm and said “God Bless A-MER-ICA!”  I laughed and said, “I think you what you meant to say is ‘God Bless You’.”  He replied, “Aunt Jen you are silly. I can’t say God Bless You.  Your name isn’t America.”  ROFL!  Guess when your a Navy brat, you hear God Bless America more than God Bless You.
  • This represents both myself and my best friend Ambyr.  We both share this memory.  I think one of the best shows on television today is Extreme Makeover:  Home Edition.  They do amazing work, rewarding human kindness, and making a difference in the lives of people who actually deserve it.  That being said…the ones with patriotic themes (9/11 survivors, military heroes, firefighters, police officers, veterans) are the ones that tug extra hard on my heartstrings.  I remember one that was about a Marine, who lived in my hometown of Columbus, is a Buckeye, and a 9/11 hero.  Any one of those things would make me cry.  All of them together?  I was bawling.  Ambyr and I were watching it together…calling each other at every commercial to express our feelings of amazement over the strength and perseverance of that family.  The Columbus Dispatch said this:

Thomas was out of the Corps when the terrorist attacks occurred. He threw on his cammies and sped to the World Trade Center, where he, along with former Staff Sgt. David Karnes, helped rescue two police officers from a deep pit. After two weeks of helping at Ground Zero, Thomas left without looking back. He finally re-emerged last August, when he realized he had been portrayed in the film “World Trade Center,” starring Nicolas Cage.


Standing in remembrance of all the Brave Men and Women Of the United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, United States Air Force, United States Army, The National Guard and the United States Coast Guard who have given their LIVES for the protection of the citizens of America, whose Independence we honor and celebrate today.



Hate and the Liberal Hypocrisy

June 12, 2009

Whoever said sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me… was wrong. Words do hurt. If it were not for my faith in God and in the sense of self my parents instilled in me I would not be able to handle some of the comments directed at me. The mean spirit of some people who say horrible things to me, further causes me to lean on the love of my family and of the sovereign God that I believe in. Actually, that’s rather comical, considering they are spewing these words in hopes of destroying me while they actually make me a stronger Christian and believe more staunchly in the values I hold dear. Joke is on them.

I have good friends, actually two of my best friends who have had abortions. I see the trauma that they have endured because of this awful experience. I would never not love them because of this decision. My heart aches for the pain and disturbance it has caused to their emotional well-being. I love them and tell them God has forgiven them. I provide them with peace. That is the loving nature that was branded into me and expressed to me by my God. Yet, because I am pro-life I have been called a domestic terrorist, a close minded person, and a hate monger. I am not. I am the antithesis of that.

I have friends who are gay. I love them. I do not judge them for their lifestyle. I would probably be first in line to give them a hug, the shirt of my back, listen to them if they needed to talk, whatever I could to show them that my life is an example of the love God has for all of us. I do not stuff my religion down their throats. By example, I lead, and it is because of this example people see me as a different kind of person, and someone they aspire to call a friend. Yet, because I oppose gay marriage, I have been called a bigot, homophobic, and cold-hearted. I am not. I am the antithesis of that.

I have friends of almost every ethnic group possible. I love them because of the people they are. I see them as “friend”, “relative”, “support system”, not for the color of their skin. I see them for the value their existence has brought to my life. I don’t see them for their heritage, I see them as Americans like me. Yet because I disagree with the current policies of our Nation’s first black president I am seen as a racist, as intolerant, as narrow-minded and xenophobic. I am not. I am the antithesis of that.

I have friends who are atheists and agnostic. I pray for them the same as I do my Christian friends. I love them in spite of their beliefs and love that they love me in spite of mine. I do not censor my feelings around them, as they do not with me. I do not feel the need to cease praying around them, just as I am not offended that they do not join me. Yet because I believe we should remember this is a Christian nation and that my belief in God should be celebrated, I am called a religious zealot, a extremist, a bible thumping hillbilly. I am not. I am the antithesis of that.

For all of those liberals that have called me those names, I pray for you. It saddens me that these terms that have been ferociously thrown at me have been created by the left to spread the inequality they claim to be trying to lessen. I offer you this as a closing thought….

Since I have never, ever, EVER judged someone based solely on their race, religion, political stance, or past actions, I ask you….who is spreading the hate? Its not me. Those hateful words are your own, liberals. You created them. As a suggestion, if you really want to destroy hate in America, maybe you should live your life as an example of the antithesis of hate, instead of hypocritically spreading it.