Posts Tagged ‘Hitler’


Death Becomes You

July 23, 2009

Last night I had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for me
It could be for anything
I didnt ask for money
Or a mansion in malibu
I simply wished, for one more day with you ~Diamond Rio

We all know someone who has died. We go through stages of grief. We all know we would do whatever we could, pay whatever price, sacrifice all we had, just to say I love you one more time to that loved one. If someone had said to us, “You should tell her to die, she is a drain on the economy” I would go ballistic and inflict bodily harm on that person. Not only would I be angry at the insinuation that my love one should die, but I would be livid if my loved one had overheard their statement.

Enter Obamacare. In the enormous bill Congress and the Senate are trying to pass, there is a little clause. It states that a health care practitioner should counsel those on Social Security to end-of-life services. They should make sure the elderly person has a will, durable power of attorney…so on and so forth. This counseling should take place every five years. It also states that the mandatory death counseling will ‘‘(A) An explanation by the practitioner of advance care planning, including key questions and considerations, important steps, and suggested people to talk to.” That is so vague because of the scary implications here people. Basically, every senior citizen will be told, “You’re old, you are going to die soon, lets figure out how this can be a good thing for the both of us”. Basically, we want you dead.

I remember reading something similar to this once. I was sitting here and it hit me. That sounds exactly like another national health care plan from another country. Nazi Germany. Hitler had a bill called the “Action T4”. Allso called Euthanasia Program, under the Third Reich spanning almost three years, physicians killed 70,273 people. Hilter sent out a secret memo, on his own stationary where he said suffering patients “judged incurably sick, by critical medical examination”. The physicians then murdered those elderly people or mental patients. It was seen as an advancement of our species. Weed out the old, the weak, the troubled, and the dependent.

Eerily similar in my opinion. We look at Hitlers regime and think, how did he get so many people to go along with horrific orders and carry out heinous crimes? They believed him. Thats how. They believed this charismatic man was a genius, and would never lead them astray. We see this happen all the time with Obama. The country stays faithful to him. They believe the rhetoric that is spewed towards him while the rest of stare blankly at the television confused at the double speak and spin.

It all boils down to this.

Life is no longer precious.

Babies are dispensable, senior citizens are dispensable, the mentally challenged are dispensable. No one matters in this linear way of thinking. What is to stop him from saying your life is not worth anything either? We’re on a slippery slope to tyranny and all of us must realize the problem and fight it.

Knowing my tax dollars are going to fund abortions outraged me. Knowing my tax dollars are going to save a company that failed to thrive on its own made me angry. Knowing I paid for terrorists to leave Gitmo and buy a condo exasperated me. Knowing I will now pay to someone tell my Papaw he is too old and needs to die…makes me indignantly livid.

“Mandatory Death Counseling” should change its name to what it really is, “The Jack Kevorkian Plan”.



July 10, 2009

This is something that has been on my mind…and so…of course…I feel the need to blog about it.

The far right, which I am proud to call myself a part of, need to be very careful of something that some of us are doing.  Sensationalism.  I have seen many tweets, blogs, and comments claiming certain things that are just not fair, right or good. When we sensationalize the events that are going on right now…we take our credibility and minimize it to just claims of unsubstantiated craziness.  We are all angry and outraged at the direction our country is headed in.  We are scared, shocked and feeling helpless at the sheer rate of changes being implemented daily.  But when we say things that are sensationalized then we take our outrage and make it something that the left cannot understand.

I in no way think we should bend our beliefs to appease the left.  But if we construct our arguments in an educated and fair way…they have so much more of an impact.  Do we need to vent?  Sure!  Do we need to get our frustrations out?  Of course!  Do we need to call our Country’s President the Anti-Christ?  No.

Let me show your examples of things we do not need to say.

Ali Bama is a Muslim Marxist.  Soon stoning women will be legal and they’ll be taxed if they scream.

Charles Manson Joins Team Obama to head up door-2-door census Will work with ACORN Criminals.

The easy part is getting Obama to Africa. The hard part is figuring out how to keep him there where he belongs.

Obama speaks in Eqypt.  Wonder if he invited his real father, although Satans schedule is quite busy.

Obama’s father didn’t abandon him, we killed him in WWII, just amazing Ava Braun and Hitler gave birth to a black man.

Are we sure Obama doesn’t agree with gay marriage? Oh, that’s a woman he’s married to?  Hard to tell.

Obama believes in partial birth abortion because he wished the option was available for the kids he has but doesn’t want.

Wow people, some of those are so mean, unfair, and just not right.  I believe Obama is ruining our country.  I think he doesn’t love America the way I do.  I think we are headed towards socialism and away from capitalism.  But saying we are going to stone women soon, he is hiring serial killers, attacking his wife and children…makes us just as bad as the people who did it to Sarah Palin.  Just not right.  Yes, speak your frustrations, get outraged, get angry….but don’t make claims that make us look like crazy people.

This is just my personal opinion….probably an unpopular one.