Posts Tagged ‘character’


Shiny, Happy People

July 27, 2009

This post is inspired by a conversation between @darrwin and I on twitter

For those of you who think my opinion is unfair, unmoral, or negative….here is a list of things that you should know.

1. I am 30 years old. My opinion has never been popular in nature. Saying what is right, and speaking up for such, is never easy. I will never cease to speak my mind, and if that bothers you…that is your problem.

2. I disagree with the President on almost every issue. If you agree with him…I applaud your right to speak up for him. But if you get to agree, I get to disagree.

3. Stop saying I want people to “think and act just like I do”. Unless you are on speed dial in my phone, you don’t know anything of what I have been through in life. When you know me….then you can talk. I have never wanted people to be like me, or think like me, without their own beliefs. If you believe I am trying to coerce people into believing what I do, and then you argue I am wrong and tell me how I should be different…who is coercing? Me saying whats on my mind in a blog or you reading such blog and telling me I need to change my ways? You are the manipulator. Not I.

4. I hate no one. Hate is one of the strongest emotions, like love. I hold them in the same regard. You have to deeply know someone inside and out to know that you love them. Same goes with hate.

5. I am no victim. A victim is : one that is acted on and usually adversely affected by a force or agent (I do not let others opinions affect me): as a one that is injured, destroyed, or sacrificed under any of various conditions (The words of people who dislike me will never destroy me. Adversity creates strength…not despair) one that is subjected to oppression, hardship, or mistreatment (people who feel oppressed or mistreated think the world owes them something. I decide my own fate with the help of God.) or one that is tricked or duped (My beliefs are based on deep reasearch and soul searching. If I was not firm in those beliefs it might be easy to trick me…but I am not.)

6. The fate of my country IS PERSONAL! I hate, hate, hate, HATE it when people say…its just politics its nothing personal. BULL! I take the killing of babies personally. I take the policies regarding the military personally. I take Obama saying this nation is not a Christian nation personally. When issues are close to my heart, it affects me personally. Your words do not carry the weight to hurt me, but do not deny they are directed at me.

7. The only person whose judgment matters to me is God.

I refuse to act oblivious and put on a smile to promote a false sense of contentment in a country I believe is being slowly destroyed. Shiny happy people are everywhere as the song says, and if they are mindlessly believing our country is peachy keen…then it is my responsibility to speak for what is good and moral.

If I didn’t stand for something, I would fall for anything, and your words are attempting to make me trip and fall. I believe I just used over 500 words to say what I could have said in 13.

You accidentally mistook me for someone who cares what you think of me.


Role Model of Disgrace

July 26, 2009

I don’t have kids but if I did…there are things that I would make sure they knew from a early age. I also expect, no rather demand, that people who are in the spotlight as a role model for children set an example for what is good, right, moral and just. Here are some of the qualities I wish to instill in my children, and of the children who are loved by me.

1. Always speak up for right. Back your friends when they’re right. Never let anyone make you feel like being a good person is a bad thing.

2. You are not entitled to anything but life, the freedom to follow God, and to reap the benefits of your labor. If you feel like someone owes you something, it should be based on your merits alone…not anything else.

3. Be a gracious and generous person. Do it for the reward of enriching people’s lives. If someone tells you that you have to be charitable, then it is not charity at all but yet a command you follow.

4. If something happens, you are scared, and cannot reach your parents, find a police officer. Most all police officers are awesome at protecting people.

Just to name a few.

Now let’s review what President Obama is teaching the youth of America.

1. Do not make waves. If someone is doing something that’s not right, remember it is their problem not yours.

2. Based on your skin color, social economic background, religious affiliation, and sexual orientation you are entitled to more than people who, as the majority, receive more than yourself. Merit is inconsequential.

3. You must help other people even if you feel they don’t deserve it. Do not give for the joy of giving, but for the fact you must.

4. Police Officers are stupid, or act stupidly. If a cop sees a person breaking into a house…they are required to do nothing…in fear of making someone angry.

#4 on both lists of course refer to the Gates controversy. I think its is UNIMAGINABLE that the leader of the free world would side against police officers, but not the government of Iran! How horrible. He just told the entire nation, including our children, that police officers are racist, judgmental, and liars. Role Model? Yes role model of disgrace.

By saying the police acted “stupidly” he is perpetrating a stereotype that undermines the authority of our police force. What is that telling our children? Better yet, by insinuating the police were racist….he is discouraging equality. I believe if people stopped thinking about race so much the world would be a better place. If you were locked out of your house and tried to break into it…wouldn’t you feel blessed that the police had the best interests of your home at heart? Imagine it was a burglar. Gates would be ecstatic the police responded so quickly and apprehended the suspect.

I feel sorry for the youth of America. Their President is a horrible role model. Their Congress is full of moron crooks. Who can they believe in? Without God and parental guidance our children are susceptible to feeling lost, unloved, and weary of truthfulness and honesty.

Next time Mr. President…remember…with childlike faith our young believe in you. I will pray you find the strength to better yourself into a role model for excellence….and not the opposite.